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Business Forum Magazine (BFM) is essential reading for Canadian and Chinese executives who want to stay up-to-date and informed of the trends, issues, activities, and perspectives that are shaping bilateral trade and investment. BFM articles cover a wide-range of topics and sectors, including cleantech, energy, agri-foods, consumer goods, manufacturing, logistics, information technology, finance, education, and trade policy. The magazine also includes interesting facts and statistics, quotes, and stories from our members, and photographs of CCBC events.

Toasting the Future: The Drinks are From Us (2019)

Chinese Consumers Developing a Thirst for Canadian Adult Beverages by Ben Kaplan
What to Think of China’s New Foreign Investment Law? by Dongwoo Kim and Isaac Lo
A Long Winding Road by Graham Shantz, President, CCBC
Christmas in June? How Western Brands Can Leverage Chinese Promotional Holidays by Joseph Cooke
Optimism and Opportunity in the Canada-China Business Relationship by Walid Hejazi
A Big Step Forward in Opening-up of China’s Financial Services Sector by Sun Hong, Lynn Yang, and Ai Tong
A Year in Review by Sarah Kutulakos, Executive Director, CCBC

Winter Sports: Exporting Canadian Expertise (2018)

A Rally Call by Chris Freimond and Randall Mang
China’s New Financial Sector Reforms by Jennifer Reynolds
Canadian Business Partnerships with Chinese State-Owned Enterprises by Gordon Houlden
The Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities for Canada by Howard Lin
Canada Day Birthday Fair
Canada-China Year of Tourism by David F. Goldstein
CCBC’s Canada-China Business Excellence Awards
China’s Care Economy: A Growing Export Opportunity for Canadian Women Entrepreneurs by A. Weiling Lee
How E-commerce Truly is Everywhere in China by Stewart Kiff
CCBC’s 40th Anniversary by Sarah Kutulakos, James D. Poborsa, and Deanna Horton
Setting Up Your Business in China by Jack Wu
When China Becomes Canada’s #1 by Peter Hall
Year in Review

Low-Tier Cities Offer Untapped Potential (2017)

Working Together for Bilateral Strength by LU Shaye, Ambassador of the PRC to Canada
Opportunities and Challenges for Canadian Investors by Kristina Koehler-Coluccia
From Salmon to Pandas by Melody Song, MA CFRE
China-Bound by Chia Wan Liew
Checkup Time by Randall A. Mang
CCBC’s 150th Canada Day Fair
The Canada-China Relationship by Graham Shantz, President, CCBC
Responding to Change by Ken Su
A Deeper Canada-China Economic Relationship by Walid Hejazi
CCBC’s Canada-China Business Excellence Awards
A Year in Review by Sarah Kutulakos, Executive Director, CCBC

China: Slowing Down or Revving Up? (2016)

Who is Going to Clean Up in China? by Randall A. Mang
Is China Really in a Slowdown? – What Should Your Company Do About It? by Denis L’Heureux
China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020): Innovation, Green Development, Social Change, and Internationalization by Yves Tiberghien
China Market Research: How to Hit the Mark the First Time by Joseph Cooke
A Taste of Canada: Celebrating Canada Day in Beijing!
Reducing the Frequency and Cost of Litigation in China by Louis A. Frapporti
Courting China’s Students Good for Canada’s Businesses by Karen McBride
What You Need to Know About Employment Law in China by Gregory Sy
Investment in 5G Technology: Bridging Technology Partnerships Between Canada and China by Scott Bradley
Year in Review by Sarah Kutulakos

China Looking Out and the World Looking In (2015)

One Belt, One Road: One Unprecedented Opportunity by Randall A. Mang
The Practical Benefits (and Limitations) of the Canada-China FIPA by Matthew Kronby
Evolving Foreign Investment Review Regimes in China and Canada by Todd Liao and Sandy Walker
Canadian SMEs and China by Lorna Wright
Can You Win Online in China? by Joseph Cooke
Canada China Business Excellence Awards 2015
The Renminbi Sweetener by Daniel Koldyk
The Shifting Patterns of Chinese Investment in Canada by Gordon Houlden
Understanding Chinese Economic Reform: Where Foreign Investors Go Wrong by Chet Scheltema
Huawei’s Seeds for the Future Program Commits to Canada’s Young Aspiring Engineers by Scott Bradley and Laura Suzanne Markle
Year-End Wrap-Up by Sarah Kutulakos

Bold Plans and Ideas Begin in the Global Classroom (2014)

Canada’s Economic Diplomacy in China by Dan Ciuriak
Canada and China: The Agenda Ahead by Paul Evans
China: A Land of Opportunities and Priority by Terri-Sue Buchanan
Shanghai Free trade Zone: Triumphs, Lessons and the Way Forward by Bo Chen
Trading in Renminbi: Reducing Costs, Managing Risks by David Pavitt
Opportunities and Challenges for Canadian SMEs in China by Kristina Koehler-Coluccia
Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom by Paul Johnson
Can Canada and China Innovate Together? by Dan Herman
The Importance of the Canadian OInsolvency System to Chinese Investors by Jeffrey Carhart
China’s Urban Revolution: What’s in Store for Canadian Companies by Jessica Wilczak
Canada-China Business Innovation Begins in the Global Classroom by Karen McBride
The New China Hands: Executive Leadership in China Today by Paul von Wittgenstein
Corporate Social Responsibility: A CCBC Guide for Canadians Investing in China
A Year in Review by Sarah Kutulakos

Canada-China: Taking the Next Step (2013)

Time to Start Using the Redback? by Randall Mang
A Prescription for Healthcare Growth and Innovation by Denis L’Heureux
Don’t Miss China’s Green Wave by Stéphanie Jensen – Cormier
Alberta and China: A Coincidence of Interests by Gordon Houlden
New Minister, New Thresholds and New Rules: Canadian Foreign Investment Review Post CNOOC/Nexen by Chris Hersh and Imran Ahmad
Still Open for Business by Chris Hersh and Imran Ahmad
A Flat World of Countless Opportunities: Stories of Canadian Globalization by Hua Yu and Andrew Wright
China: a Rough and Tumble E-commerce Market Ripe with Opportunity by Randall Mang
Untapped: Canada’s Human Capital in China by Kenny Zhang
Winning China’s Talent Wars by Caleb Balloch
Food for Thought: Feeding China with Canadian Technology by Ted McKechnie
Building A Patent Highway to China by Michael J. Ladanyi and Christopher N. Hunter
Year-End Wrap-Up by Sarah Kutulakos

Understanding China: Optimize your strategy and unlock your potential (2012)

In Business to Serve (China) by Randall Mang
Investing in the Canadian Mining Sector by Cameron Mingay
The Canada-China Cleantech Connection by Denis L’Heureux
China’s Transition to a low-Carbon Society: Impacts on Business by Stephanie Jensen-Cormier
Planning Your Product Marketing Strategy in China by Chia-Yi Tung
Eight Lucky Steps to Digital Marketing in China by Joanna Wong
Weibo: China’s Social Media and You by Mark Roswell/Dashan
Selling into China by Kristina Koehler
Listing of Chinese Companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange or TSX Venture Exchange by Michael Melanson and Shaira Nanji
Wanted: An Asia Strategy by Donald Campbell, Paul Evans, and Pierre Lortie
The New Canada-China Investment Treaty: A Modest Step Toward Closer Trade and Investment Relations by Robert Wisner
Year-End Wrap-Up by Sarah Kutulakos

Your Asian Future: Charting A Path to Success in China (2011)

Canada’s Asia Future: A Strategic Proposal by Jessica Wilczak
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Preparing for Success in China by the Honourable Ed Fast
Elasto Proxy: CCBC’s Business Incubation Centre’s First Resident by Doug Sharpe and Alexis Milinusic
Selling Consumer Products Into Canada: What Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers, and Retailers Need to Know by Daniel Kiselbach
Huawei Canada’s Expanding Canadian Footprint by Scott Bradley
China’s Burgeoning Sectors: Introduction by Jacques Lacasse
B.C. Lumber Success in China Market by Fred Spoke
China Spells New Opportunities for Luxury Brands by Ellen Jin
China – A Growing Opportunity for Agri-Foods in Saskatchewan by Brad Wall
China: Global Cleantech Supermarket and Partner by Nicholas Parker
Differences in Culture and Business Practices by Jianwei Zhang
The National Conversation on Asia by Douglas Goold

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)