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Canadian Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) – One of the World’s Newest Economies

Feb 4, 2021CCBC Past Events

Canadian Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) – One of the World’s Newest Economies

Feb 4, 2021CCBC Past Events

The Greater Bay Area (GBA) refers to the city cluster in the Pearl River Delta of South China consisting of Hong Kong, Macau, and nine cities of Guangdong Province. With 73 million people and GDP of USD 1.6 trillion, just behind the economy of Canada, the GBA is attracting huge attention from business communities around the world. On February 4, 2021, CCBC hosted two experts from Hong Kong for a webinar on what the GBA has to offer to Canadians and the financial risks to manage.


Callan Anderson, CEO of Hong Kong Corporate Services Group, has been based in Hong Kong for 21 years, helping Canadian firms enter the Asia and China markets while using Hong Kong as a base camp. In this presentation, Callan discussed the economies within the GBA and plans for ongoing development. There are always opportunities, and identifying them and planning ahead was the focus of his talk.


Alain Groshens, CEO and Founder of SystematicEdge, is also a business veteran based in Hong Kong. He has worked with the world’s largest companies and SMEs managing their forex and interest rate risks globally in order to help them protect their bottom lines and increase their profit margins. Conducting cross-border business can deliver increased profit but also carries currency risk. Alain shared his macro views on the global currency landscape and ways to optimize profit margins while mitigating risks.


CCBC Ontario Chapter Director Jeff Zhang delivered opening remarks, and closing remarks were delivered by both Jeff and Catherine Jodar, Founder & Director of Language Advantage Inc. Following Callan and Alain’s presentations, Sarah Kutulakos, Executive Director and COO of CCBC, moderated a Q&A session.


This event was free for CCBC members in good standing; $25+HST for non-members.


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The link to the video presentation is available upon request. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


• Atlantic: Laura Markle
• Quebec: Philippe Jeanneau
• Ontario: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies: Philippe Jeanneau
• BC: Lotta Ygartua

• Beijing: Noah Fraser

• Shanghai: Edward Dai


About The Speakers:



Callan Anderson


Hong Kong Corporate Services Group


Callan hails from the United Kingdom, having grown up in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was involved in business consulting at the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. Callan has also been Chairman of several non-governmental charitable entities, as well as serving a period as General Manager of a United Nations infrastructure company during the Bosnian War 1992-1995. Callan is a business specialist with significant private and public-sector experience in strategic and business planning, human resource management and corporate services.


With over 25 years’ experience in management and consulting, Callan has been instrumental in assisting firms from Australia, Canada, UK and USA to develop a presence in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Since Callan’s first appointment in Asia since 1999, he has led many global firms in their expansion within the region, as well as taking up voluntary posts including Director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.


He is a Fellow of the following organizations: The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, the UK Institute of Directors and The Royal Society of the Arts and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.




Alain Groshens

CEO & Founder



Alain founded SystematicEdge because he believes that the traditional financial services industry is at an inflection point and ready to be disrupted. He has decades of experience as an FX and Interest Rates trader and has managed trading teams across the globe. He started his career at Societe Generale, and then built regional and global trading teams at two other global investment banks. He has worked with both the world’s largest companies and SMEs managing their Forex and Interest Rates risk globally in order to help them protect their bottom lines and increase their profit margins. Alain and the team at SystematicEdge provide financial services in Investment Solutions & Currency Risk Hedging. They use technology to maximize performance and drastically compress costs. All SFC regulated activity is conducted by Privium Fund Management (HK) Limited; CE: BGR298.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)