CCBC’s 42nd AGM & Business Forum
CCBC’s 42nd AGM & Business Forum
CCBC’s 2020 AGM was a hybrid event, with live activities in Beijing on the evening of October 13 and an online conference during the day on October 13 and 14 in Canada. Distinguished speakers looked at opportunities in key sectors, two award programs recognized companies and individuals for their achievements, and networking opportunities were abundant, allowing CCBC members and guests to interact in a new environment.
H.E. WANG Shouwen
Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce of PRC and Deputy China International Trade Representative
Hon. LONG Yongtu
Former Vice Minister and Chief Negotiator of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

H.E. Dominic Barton
Ambassador of Canada to the People’s Republic of China
Olivier Desmarais
Chair, Board of Directors, CCBC
Senior Vice-President, Power Corporation and Power Financial
Noah Fraser
Managing Director China, CCBC
Edward Dai
Director, Shanghai Chapter, CCBC
The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney
The Honourable Stephen McNeil
Premier of Nova Scotia
The Honourable Mary Ng, P.C., M.P.
Canada’s Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade
Although Chinese outbound investment is down around the world, Canada still holds appeal for investors in certain sectors, especially those looking to redraw supply chains and establish manufacturing closer to North American customers. Where do the areas of interest and opportunity overlap?
Dr. Daniel Koldyk, Counsellor and Chief Representative Dept. of Finance, Embassy of Canada in Beijing
Robert Kwauk, Chair, Beijing Advisory Council, Canada China Business Council and Partner Emeritus, Blake Cassels Graydon LLP
YAN Lida, Director of the Board, Senior Vice President, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Samuel Tsui, General Manager, Arcteryx Greater China
Dr. Daniel Koldyk
Counsellor and Chief Representative Dept. of Finance,
Embassy of Canada in Beijing
Robert Kwauk
Chair, Beijing Advisory Council, Canada China Business Council
Partner Emeritus, Blake Cassels Graydon LLP
YAN Lida
Director of the Board, Senior Vice President,
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Samuel Tsui
General Manager,
Arcteryx Greater China
CCBC’s AGM Business Dinner remains a highlight of the AGM. Over 200 executives, officials and entrepreneurs from across China joined the event. We are honoured to have hosted H.E. WANG Shouwen, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce and Deputy China International Trade Representative; H.E. Dominic Barton, Ambassador of Canada to the People’s Republic of China, and Hon. LONG Yongtu, Former Vice Minister and the Chief Negotiator of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, as our guest speakers, as well as video remarks by Canada’s former Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, CCBC’s Chairman, Mr. Olivier Desmarais, the Honourable Mary Ng, Canada’s Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, and the Honourable Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia.
See more AGM Business Dinner photos on Flickr!
See more AGM Business Dinner photos on Flickr!