Finding the Right Formula for Starting up Your Businesses in Calgary and Alberta
CCBC with Calgary Economic Development (CED) presented a free seminar on December 2, 2016 in Calgary, providing information on launching a local business.
What Recent Bilateral Visits Mean to CCBC and Its Members in Alberta
On November 17, 2016, CCBC welcomed Consul General WANG Xinping and CCBC Executive Director Sarah Kutulakos to speak at the Calgary event, What Recent Bilateral Visits Mean to CCBC and Its Members in Alberta.
How to Use the RMB for Trade Financing and Investment — Financial Seminar and Networking Reception
CCBC and AdvantageBC co-hosted a financial seminar and networking seminar with a 15-person delegation from the Shanghai Financial Association. The group consisted of senior executives from leading banks and financial institutions interested in opportunities and connections with Canadian businesses.