CCBC Atlantic Chapter Launch with His Excellency LU Shaye, Ambassador of China to Canada, and The Honourable Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia
The Honourable Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia, and His Excellency LU Shaye, Ambassador of China to Canada, were honoured guest speakers at the dinner officially launching the CCBC Atlantic Chapter on Wednesday, May 29, 2019, in Halifax.
The Business of Education Between Canada and China
Three proven leaders in Canada-China education were featured in an in-depth discussion on The Business of Education on March 19, 2019, in Toronto. Dr. Francis Pang, Dr. Alan Middleton, and Ms. Ashleigh Au represented three diverse yet interconnected educational organizations covering early childhood education through executive training. They shared their first-hand market experiences, timely case studies, and insights.
Tax Updates and Challenges
CCBC, in partnership with Lee & Lee Associates, presented a seminar on Tax Updates and Challenges On January 17, 2019, in Shanghai. The experts from Lee & Lee Associates shared their professional experiences with attendees and discussed key points over the new regulations and how to deal with the challenges and impacts.
CCBC Survey Results Presentation: A Strong Message from Canadian and Chinese Business
CCBC presented the findings of its 2018/2019 Canada-China Business Survey on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, in Toronto.
All Chamber Welcome-Back Networking Event 2019
CCBC Chamber of Commerce – Beijing was one of 19 international chambers organizing the All Chamber Welcome Back Networking event for approximately 500 guests.
Update on Bilateral Trade Discussions – Calgary, AB
CCBC held a networking reception on Wednesday, December 12, 2018, in Calgary, where Graham Shantz, CCBC President, and LU Xu, Consul General of the PRC in Calgary, discussed latest developments on bilateral trade discussion.
Investment Situation and Outlook Between Canada and China
CCBC’s Prairies Chapter organized a presentation featuring Ken Su, National Leader of PwC Canada’s China Business Network and CCBC board director, in Calgary and Edmonton, that addressed the investment situation and outlook between Canada and China for the coming year.
Investment Situation and Outlook Between Canada and China
CCBC’s Ontario Chapter organized a presentation featuring Ken Su, National Leader of PwC Canada’s China Business Network and CCBC board director, on investment trends and prospects between Canada and China for the coming year on February 11, 2019, in Toronto.
2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum: Guangzhou
2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum was held in Shenzhen on December 10 and in Guangzhou on December 12. Canadian delegates met with Chinese companies and explored opportunities for collaboration, trade, investment, and tourism at the forum.