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CCBC’s Distinguished Speakers Series: Helping the West Read Between the Lines

CCBC’s Distinguished Speakers Series: Helping the West Read Between the Lines

We kicked off the Distinguished Speakers series on September 10 with a pair well known to China hands, Jeremy Goldkorn and Kaiser Kuo. They have built a media network based on the need for more China information in west, and we will discuss why it’s important for North America to have an “accurate, contextual understanding of China at a time when the need to understand China is higher than ever.”

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Cleantech Market Opportunities: Update from Hong Kong

Cleantech Market Opportunities: Update from Hong Kong

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS), in partnership with the Canada China Business Council (CCBC), held the third session in a Greater China Network Cleantech virtual series on Wednesday August 19, 21:00 – 22:30 EDT / Thursday August 20, 09:00-10:30 HKT. The...

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CCBC’s China Ready Series: A Guide to Exporting to China

CCBC’s China Ready Series: A Guide to Exporting to China

Doing business abroad can offer its share of challenges, but exporting to China does not have to be a mystery. CCBC’s six-part China Ready series of webinars is designed to provide guidance and expert advice to companies interested in exporting to China. The fourth in...

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Canada China Business Council (CCBC)