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Tax Updates and Challenges

Jan 17, 2019CCBC Past Events

In 2018, China government issues many new tax regulations and the content covers many tax items. Among them, the most noticeable is individual income tax (IIT) law update. The new IIT law took effect on January 1, 2019. Because of the big change to the current IIT law, companies and foreigners should pay attention to the changes and impacts and get ready for it. In addition, there are also other tax updates, such as VAT, CIT, stamp duty. How do these new tax regulations influence foreign companies and foreign individuals in China?


On January 17, 2019, CCBC, in partnership with Lee & Lee Associates, presented a seminar on Tax Updates and Challenges in Shanghai. The experts from Lee & Lee Associates shared their professional experiences with attendees and discussed key points over the new regulations and how to deal with the challenges and impacts.


Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019
16:00-16:30 Registration

16:30-17:30 Seminar and Q&A

17:30-18:00 Networking


Location: Canadian Real Estate Investment Centre Office

Unit 2715, Two International Commerce Centre, No.288 South Shaanxi Road




  • CCBC Members: 100 RMB
  • Non CCBC member: 150 RMB


Organized in partnership with:

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)