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2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum: Guangzhou

Dec 12, 2018CCBC Past Events

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum was held in Shenzhen on December 10 and in Guangzhou on December 12. A total of 112 attendees in Shenzhen and 123 attendees in Guangzhou participated, with 25 (Shenzhen) and 24 (Guangzhou) pre-scheduled meetings taking place and more arranged onsite. These vis-à-vis meetings with exporters gave the local wholesalers/distributors/e-commerce platforms a direct source to products from Canada. CCBC gave a market briefing to the Canadian companies about the Chinese business environment, general market volume, and consumer preferences before the two events took place.


The forum began with a seminar by Bennett Jones LLP and the provincial offices of Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec.


Following the seminar, there were industry breakout sessions for matchmaking opportunities. Participating Canadian delegates presented information about their company and met with potential Chinese partners identified according to their industry.


The matchmaking sessions focused on the following industries:

1) Green building technologies and construction materials, with products such as wood, new materials, energy conservation, waste reduction or emissions reduction;

2) Consumer products such as food products or consumer brands looking to expand into Chinese markets;

3) Life Sciences such as med tech, pharmaceutical, and research collaborations.


Travel and accommodation funding were available for qualified companies through Global Opportunities for Associations (GOA).


Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2018
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm


Location: Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe
Guangzhou, China



  • CCBC Members: $250 CAD per city
  • Non-Members: $350 CAD per city


For more information about the forum in Shenzhen on December 10, please click the button below.



Canada China Business Council (CCBC)