CCBC 2023 Indigenous Trade Mission to China
Connecting Indigenous Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders to China
October 2023
As Indigenous businesses, development corporations and business organizations pursue growth and build infrastructure, China’s growing market poses unique opportunities. China is the world’s largest and most dynamic consumer market, with a strong appreciation of high-quality Canadian consumer products. As the world’s second-largest economy, China’s strong demand for commodities and natural resources presents important export opportunities for Canadian and Indigenous organizations.
This October, CCBC will lead a group of up to 10 delegates who are First Nations, Inuit or Métis (hereinafter referred to as “Indigenous”) entrepreneurs, economic development executives, and Indigenous leaders on a trade mission to Beijing, China, to build connections and partnerships that help delegates develop export markets and sources of investment to facilitate exports.
Doing business with China successfully requires diligent cultivation of relationships that can be difficult from afar. Finally, after years of COVID restrictions, Canada-China travel has resumed, and it is an important moment to ramp up China-market business development. The Mission will offer a series of activities, curated meetings, and business interactions to help delegates enhance their knowledge of business in China, broaden their in-market networks, and achieve their business goals. The five-day mission program will encompass CCBC’s AGM as well as unique delegation-specific visits, meetings, and activities in Beijing.
This Mission is designed to serve the interests of Indigenous entrepreneurs and economic development organizations who have an interest in exporting to the China market. Representatives of Indigenous business and organizations who are interested in investment to support their exporting activities, and/or have other business interests, are welcome to apply.

CCBC thanks Mission Advisor Grand Chief Edward John, who provides support navigating cultural sensitivity for this program.
Grand Chief Edward John
Grand Chief Edward John is a Hereditary Chief of Tl’azt’en Nation located on the banks of the Nak’al Bun (Stuart Lake) in Northern B.C. He is an Indigenous leader who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of social and economic justice for Canada’s Indigenous people, having worked as a leader in Indigenous politics, business and community development. Grand Chief John has been a lawyer for over 30 years. He holds a B.A. from the University of Victoria (UVIC), an LL.B from the University of British Columbia and Honorary Degrees from UVIC and the University of Northern BC.
Grand Chief John has served in many leadership roles at the local, provincial, national and international levels. He is a long serving elected member of the First Nations Summit political executive, which is mandated to carry out specific tasks related to Aboriginal Title and Rights negotiations with the governments of BC and Canada and other issues of common concern to First Nations in BC. He participated in the development of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2007. He served a three-year term as the North American Representative to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (January 2011 – December 2013) with a mandate to discuss indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.
This Mission is designed to serve the interests of Indigenous leaders, entrepreneurs and representatives of economic development organizations and business organizations who have an interest in exporting to the China market. Representatives of Indigenous business and organizations who are interested in investment to support their exporting activities, and/or have other business interests, are welcome to apply.
Delegates and organizations with no prior China market experience are welcome to apply.
This Mission is open to CCBC members and non-members.
Delegates and their organizations should have an interest in building relationships with Chinese business partners and/or investors.
For more information on eligibility, time commitment, fees, and travel/accommodation, please contact your regional Chapter Director or
• Atlantic Chapter: Edward Dai
• Quebec Chapter: David Perez-Des Rosiers
• Ontario Chapter: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies Chapter and Territories: Lotta Ygartua
• British Columbia Chapter: Lotta Ygartua
CCBC thanks CanExport Associations for partial funding support for this program.