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7 Photos that Changed the Way I See China

Jul 26, 2018CCBC in the News

An article by CCBC 2018 media fellowship recipient Mark Leger, discussing his experience in China, was published in Huddle on July 20, 2018.





I travelled to China, along with seven other reporters from across Canada, on a Media Fellowship with the Canada China Business Council.


In the coming weeks, Huddle will publish stories on my experiences in China and Maritime companies doing business there. You’ll read how local businesses are succeeding and growing by catering to China’s emerging middle class, which numbers 400 million people and counting.


And there will be pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. In the meantime here are seven of them that changed the way I see China:


1) The size of China’s cities is staggering

Our tour included stops in four megacities: Shanghai (24.2 million people), Beijing (21.73 million), Tianjin (15.62 million) and Nanjing (8.33 million). That’s almost 60 million people, nearly twice the population of Canada. China’s cities are enormous, and they’re only going to get bigger. The government is executing a plan to create 19 megacities, some of which could top 100 million people.


>> Continue reading this article on Huddle website.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)