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These are the results of the 2018/2019 Canada China Business Survey, which was conducted by the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) in partnership with the Rotman Institute for International Business. The survey was available online from February 13 to March 15, 2019. More than 250 Canadian and Chinese organizations responded.


Based on the survey, about 20% of companies from both countries have been negatively impacted by the dispute. Fifty-two per cent have changed their business plans from slightly to significantly. Sixty-five per cent have experienced no change in their operations.


“Based on the survey, and numerous discussions, the message from business is clear,” said Sarah Kutulakos, Executive Director of CCBC. “Businesses in both countries want their governments to sit down and work this out properly and be more sensitive to organizations that are not involved in this dispute in any way.”


The survey also shows that prior to last December, businesses were very optimistic about the future but are similarly challenged by each other’s regulatory systems.

CCBC’s Canada China Business Survey Results  >>  DOWNLOAD

CCBC’s Canada China Business Survey Results  >>  DOWNLOAD

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)