China Update by Guy Saint-Jacques, Vancouver
The CCBC was joined by 173 guests in Vancouver on Tuesday, May 6 to welcome Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques, Canada’s ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. Ambassador Guy Saint-Jacques gave a presentation on the current economic developments in...
Gowlings Hosted Farewell Luncheon in Honour of Chinese Ambassador to Canada
The CCBC and Gowlings hosted a farewell luncheon on April 25 in honour of the outgoing Chinese ambassador to Canada, His Excellency ZHANG Junsai. For Gowling’s write-up of the luncheon, click here
CCBC Hosts Seminar on Latest Developments in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone
The CCBC hosted Jack Wu of Orangefield ICS in Toronto on March 18 for a presentation on the changing business environment in China. Jack explored recent changes in company law, VAT, trademark law as well as new developments in the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone....