Business opportunities in the Chinese market
Business opportunities in the Chinese market By Lotta Ygartua - Regional Director, Western Canada, CCBC As Canadian innovation and technology advances, Canadian businesses and organizations ready to look at international markets need to know where the opportunities...
Reporting from Shanghai during China’s Fiercest COVID Resurgence since 2020
Reporting from Shanghai during China’s Fiercest COVID Resurgence since 2020 By Edward Dai - Director, Shanghai Chapter; Interim Director and China Desk Director, Atlantic Chapter Reporting from Shanghai during China’s Fiercest COVID Resurgence since 2020 By Edward Dai...
The Re-Engagement Imperative
The Re-Engagement Imperative By Sarah Kutulakos - Executive Director, CCBC Media has been paying attention to China this month, for several reasons. On February 1st, I shared a link from my interview on CBC’s The Current, and here is my recent interview on CBC’s The...
CCBC Congratulates Professor Pitman Potter On His Retirement
CCBC Congratulates Professor Pitman Potter On His Retirement CCBC congratulates Professor Pitman Potter, who is retiring July 1 from UBC and from his role as a Special Advisor to CCBC. Dr. Potter served on the CCBC board for many years and has been an incredible...