Mark Bolger: China’s Freeing Trade?
The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (CFTZ) announced October 1, 2013 could be seen as China taking steps slowly and cautiously towards a more open, free trade market economy. Enthusiasts were looking to the CFTZ as a pilot of new reforms that would see full...
CCBC Hosts Consul General Weldon Epp in Calgary
CCBC Alberta Chapter hosted Mr. Weldon Epp, Canadian Consul General in Guangzhou, on November 20 at a breakfast on the evolving business, trade and investment landscape in Guangdong and South China. Mr. Epp shared his unique insights and experience on what are the...
Mike Laffin: Impact of China-Canada FIPA on Chinese M&A in Canada Oil and Gas Sector
First published on Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP website January 2014 By Mike Laffin, Greg Kanargelidis and Paul Blyschak INTRODUCTION Much has been written about the significance of the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (China-Canada FIPA)...
Deconstructing FIPA: Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
by Jason Tsoukas and Caroline Klinkhoff Although the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) has sparked a great deal of debate, noticeably absent from the discussion has been an adequate exploration of what this treaty means for...
Mark Bolger: Look to China as the King of E-Commerce
If the flash of Cyber Monday promotions has you wondering if your business needs a larger e-commerce strategy beyond North America, you may wish to start looking to China. Based on this year’s sales coming out of China’s November 11 Singles Day, China has been...