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CCBC Announces COVID-19 Donation Portal with the Canadian Red Cross

CCBC Announces COVID-19 Donation Portal with the Canadian Red Cross

The COVID-19 outbreak has become an issue of pressing international importance as China and the world rally to contain and fight this global health emergency. As the leading voice of bilateral business, CCBC recognizes this important moment to lend support to the Chinese people, our business partners and friends. Many CCBC members have already expressed a desire to help.

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An Update on COVID-19 Relief Efforts

An Update on COVID-19 Relief Efforts

As Canada-China business began experiencing disruptions due to COVID-19 in January 2020, CCBC established an online donation portal with the Canadian Red Cross as a channel to support the Red Cross Society of China. Thanks to the generosity of dozens of corporations and individuals, C$267,966 was raised in the span of a few short weeks.

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What is COVID-19 Doing to the Economy?

What is COVID-19 Doing to the Economy?

It’s a question on everyone’s mind, and on Feb. 25, CCBC members from across Canada and China listened to Danielle Goldfarb, Head of Global Research for RIWI Corporation, present the situation in statistical and analytical terms.

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Canada China Business Council (CCBC)