Prairies Chapter
Prairies Chapter
Prairies Chapter
Calgary, Alberta

Lotta Ygartua
Regional Director, Western Canada (BC, SK, AB, YT, NT, NU)
As Regional Director of Western Canada, Lotta Ygartua is responsible for building the CCBC membership base throughout the region by connecting Canadian and Chinese businesses, promoting Canada-China bilateral trade, organizing events and supporting the delivery of member services. Ms. Ygartua has over 10 years of marketing experience in the technology, marketing research, communications and art sectors. Prior to joining CCBC, she was Marketing Manager at the China-Britain Business Council based in the UK, promoting trade and business with China and organizing high-calibre events involving the Chinese Premier and the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Ms. Ygartua spent several years living in China, where she studied and worked for a local company that developed products for the Chinese market. Ms. Ygartua studied Mandarin at the University of Nanjing and Nanjing Normal University. She holds a BA in Chinese and BSc in Social and Economic Geography from Uppsala University, Sweden.