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Business Incubation Centre – Shanghai


10726934195_0f75281013_oThe Canada China Business Council Business Incubation Centre (BIC) in Shanghai has one objective in mind – your business success. Our three-phase process was developed with the sole purpose of helping Canadian companies set up successful operations in China. Working with a broad network of public and private sector partners across Canada and China, our business incubation centre provides infrastructure and keep companies connected, informed and knowledgeable. We help you to get the right tools to refine your business model and work toward achieving your goals.




Physical Incubation Space  Scollage

  • Provides desk space for a staff member working in Shanghai
  • Cost: 5,000RMB/month
  • Immediate access to amenities such as: Internet, printer, scanner, fax, etc
  • Receeptionist services and assistance by a SME Support Officer
  • Private conference room available for client meetings or planned sessions
  • Business mentoring program
  • Cost: 5,000 RMB (C$ equivalent)/month

Virtual Incubation Space

  • Mailing address and phone number for your company in Shanghai
  • Access to conference room during trips to China
  • Voicemail service with remote access from Canada (extra fees apply)
  • Option to rent a desk for shorter periods for travelling staff members
  • Cost: 1,500RMB or C$300/month



Andre-Philippe Chenail
Shanghai Chapter Director

OFFICE  2299 Yan’an West Road, Shanghai, 200336, Shanghai Mart, 10th floor Unit 10A43

TEL         +86 (21) 6236.6370.71.72




Canada China Business Council (CCBC)