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2012 Canada China Business Excellence Awards

The Canada China Business Council’s Business Excellence Awards took place on the evening of November 27 in Montreal, recognizing exceptional companies in the categories of Member of the Year, Outstanding SME, Investment in Canada, and Education Excellence. The awards ceremony was part of the CCBC’s AGM Banquet, at which His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, was keynote speaker. The evening banquet brought together over 300 business leaders from across Canada and China and focused on the progress made in Canada’s bilateral economic and cultural relationship with China.


The nominees were judged by an independent panel of judges comprised of Yuen Pau Woo of the Asia Pacific Foundation, Sam Boutziouvis of the Canada Council of Chief Executives and Wendy Dobson of the University of Toronto. The awards were sponsored SNC Lavalin, HSBC, and Hatch.


“In 2008 CCBC decided to begin recognizing companies that have achieved excellent results in their business dealings and/or investment with China,” said Sarah Kutulakos, CCBC Executive Director. “The companies we honour tonight have, over the past two years, made tremendous strides in growing their enterprises and deepening their ties with China. We are pleased to share their success stories with the business community through these biannual awards.”


In the category of Member of the Year, the gold award went to to Hatch Ltd, the silver award to Manulife Financial, and the bronze award to Canada Wood China Co. Ltd,. These organizations were recognized for their successful, high profile business initiatives or special projects, within the last 24 months. The companies undertook bold new ventures resulting in commercial successes and clearly distinguished themselves from competitors.


In the category of Outstanding SME, the gold award went to Epic Data International Inc., the silver award to Lingo Media Corporation, and the bronze award to Orangefield ICS Limited. These firms were selected for their innovative inclusion of China in their growth and overall strategies. The suc­cessful implementation of such initiative has significantly improved these firms competitive edge and financial performance.


In the category of Investment in Canada, the gold award went to Huawei Canada, the silver award to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada), and bronze award to Air China Ltd. Canada. These organizations were selected for their ingenuity, success, leadership, and commitment in an investment in Canada, contributing to the Canadian economy and to its Chinese parent company’s global strategy.


In the category of Education Excellence, the gold award went to Richard Ivey School of Business at Western University and the silver award went to Sauder School of Business at UBC. These institutions demonstrate outstanding achievement in delivering success, including but not limited to, research partnerships, recruitment, student/faculty exchanges, alumni relations, institution linkages, executive training, and provision of Canadian curricula.


Canada China Business Council (CCBC)