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The Canada China Business Council’s biennial Business Excellence Awards recognize organizations that have played innovative and leadership roles in expanding and nurturing bilateral business relationships in Canada and China.

Nominations for the 9th Canada China Business Excellence Awards will open July 16, 2024. The awards will be presented in conjunction with CCBC’s AGM and Business Forum on November 15, 2024, before an audience of government and business leaders from across Canada and China. The successful stories of our award winners provide inspiration to other companies, helping to encourage more successful trade and investment between Canada and China.


Biennially, the Canada China Business Council presents these awards to organizations that have played an innovative and leading role in expanding and nurturing bilateral business relationships. Since their inception in 2008, the Awards have gained respect and participation from the most accomplished organizations.


The Awards provide a superb platform for increasing brand awareness of your organization. Submitting an entry provides your organization with the opportunity to review its business performance, strategies, and core strengths. Being selected as a winner or finalist recognizes your organization as an industry leader with an indisputable track record of success and commitment. Receiving the award is an independent and prestigious endorsement of your organization.


Award categories are open to CCBC members in good standing.

Deadline for submissions:
September 15, 2024
21:00 Eastern time

2024 Award Categories

Benefit to Canada

Women in Leadership


Marketing Campaign of the Year

Academic Collaboration


The average Canadian is unaware of the economic benefit that Canadian exports to China bring to Canadians. This award recognizes companies who have achieved business results from exporting Canadian goods and /or services to China (can also include other types of business/investment with China). Nominees in this category are Canadian companies with at least two years of experience exporting to China.


This award recognizes executives or leaders who have made a consequential impact on a company or institution’s success in or with China.


Conducting Canada-China business demands that companies navigate complex culture differences and geopolitical challenges. This award recognizes businesses that have maintained or rebuilt their market presence during challenging times. Nominees can be Canadian organizations doing business in/with China OR Chinese organizations doing business in/with Canada.


A good marketing or social media campaign can really move the needle on exports to China, a highly competitive consumer market. This category recognizes a campaign by a Canadian company from the last two years that had significant impact on sales or profitability in China. Nominee can be the company itself or an agency that ran the campaign for its clients.


This award celebrates Canadian academic institutions that have:

  • Developed and maintained a solid presence and partnerships in/with China; and/or
  • Successfully navigated policy changes to continue engagement with China.

The collaboration described must be an active project or completed within the last two years.

Application Details and Guidelines

Nomination and Recognition

Nominees in all award categories must be CCBC members in good standing. Click here for a CCBC membership application.


We accept self-nomination as well as nomination by other organizations.


An organization can enter as many award categories as it wishes, but each application must be tailored for the category. Please use separate nomination forms for each nomination.


Past winners are allowed to apply but should have new stories to tell. Any 2022 winners should include the previous application as background.


Three finalists will be chosen for each award category, and finalists will be notified by Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Finalists will each receive one full-day ticket for the November 15th AGM & Business Forum and a $1,000 discount on a corporate table at the AGM banquet. The award ceremony will be held midday on November 15, with honorees also being recognized at the evening banquet.

Important Dates

Call for Entries: July 16 – September 15, 2024, 21:00 Eastern time
Finalists Notified: October 8, 2024
Awards Presentation: CCBC AGM & Business Forum, November 15, 2024

Application Fee

A $50 + HST processing fee must accompany each nomination.


French applications: We accept applications in French. However, to facilitate processing by our decision-making committee, we encourage submitting applications in English. When processing your application payment, please check the box requiring French translation. 


Chinese applications: An additional translation cost (RMB 1,000/350 words plus applicable taxes and 15% management fee) will be applied to applications submitted in Chinese. When processing your application payment, please check the box requiring Chinese translation.


For application fee questions, please contact

Previous Award Winners

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)