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The Rise of the Middle Class and How eCommerce Has Changed Corporate Infrastructures

Feb 12, 2020CCBC in the News

This podcast was published in The Negotiation on February 10, 2020, featuring an interview with Sarah Kutulakos, Executive Director of CCBC, to talk about her experiences working for CCBC for twelve years, and how doing business between both countries has changed over the last decade.



>> Click here to listen the podcast on WPIC’s website.





The Negotiation


China is the 2nd largest economy on the planet, yet it’s the most difficult to enter and manage well for foreign brands. However, success stories are starting to emerge as brands begin to rely on experts in China market-entry to build and execute new strategies and end-to-end China consumer digital experiences. The Negotiation delivers interviews with those who understand how to be successful in China, teasing out the nuances and digging into the details that can make expansion to China a winning proposition for any company.



Canada China Business Council (CCBC)