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Schools Considered Key to Cementing Asia Trade Ties

Feb 23, 2018CCBC in the News, Education

This article appeared in Business in Vancouver on February 22, 2018, featuring an interview with Sarah Kutulakos, the Executive Director of CCBC. To read the full article, please click on the link below.



By Chuck Chiang


The shift resulted in two events in Vancouver in early February. A reception focused on connecting the educational institutions of the two countries, as well as promoting networking by alumni of schools with Canada-China links, took place on February 8 at Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) downtown campus. That was followed by a February 9 fundraising luncheon for Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC), a Vancouver philanthropic group that has put 845 girls through school since the organization launched in 2005.


While the CCBC has always emphasized education, officials say it has noticed a recent rise in its membership of educational institutions and players, to 44 members, or 13% of CCBC’s overall membership. That ties education with financial institutions as being first overall among sector representation at CCBC.


As such, a renewed focus on the sector is appropriate given Chinese students’ contribution to the Canadian economy, estimated to be as high as $4 billion a year, said CCBC executive director Sarah Kutulakos.


>> Continue reading this article on Business in Vancouver website.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)