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Canada-China Year of Tourism a Chance to Elevate Brand Canada

Feb 21, 2018CCBC in the News, Tourism

This article appeared a Globe and Mail content piece on February 15, 2018, with an interview with Sarah Kutulakos, the Executive Director of CCBC. To read the full article, please click on the link below.



With its wide-open spaces, clean environment, natural beauty and multicultural hubs, Canada has much to offer for Chinese travellers, and declaring 2018 the Canada-China Year of Tourism aims to boost not only awareness of our country as a travel destination but also the number of visitors. The goal? To double the number of Chinese tourists coming to Canada by 2021.


Along with education, tourism is a valuable export opportunity for Canada, believes Sarah Kutulakos, executive director of the Canada China Business Council. With over 1.8 million Canadian jobs related to the tourism sector and an annual $20-billion contribution from international visitors, tourism is already an important part of the economy.


To build on this potential and capitalize on the China-Canada connection, Kutulakos suggests getting to know would-be visitors. “Ten years ago, Chinese tourists would typically travel in tour groups, but today, we see more and more independent travellers. This creates a market for more customized experiences,” she says.


>> Continue reading this article on The Globe and Mail website.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)