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The CCBC was honoured to play a role in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s third visit to China in early November. The CCBC hosted the Canada China Business Forum luncheon on November 8 in Beijing. More than 400 guests heard speeches by the Prime Minister and by ZHOU Xiaochuan, Governor of the People’s Bank of China.

A number of commercial signings took place prior to the luncheon, demonstrating Canada-China business activity in a variety of sectors. The outcomes of the visit, a highlight of which was the establishment of a North American Renminbi trading hub in Canada, are summarized in the Canada-China Joint List of Outcomes 2014 (link), which include:

  • The establishment of a Foreign Affairs Ministers Dialogue and an Economic and Financial Strategic Dialogue which will enhance bilateral communication and cooperation in the areas of foreign affairs and economic and financial matters, and deepen bilateral trade and investment ties between the two countries;
  • The expansion of a Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Cooperation, which will help the Canadian nuclear industry increase its exports to China and generate jobs and growth in Canada’s nuclear energy sector;
  • The commitment to support the use of local currencies in trade and investment to help promote the stable and healthy development of a Canadian renminbi market; and,
  • An updated Canada-China Air Transport Agreement that allows airlines from both countries to offer more travel options for goods, services and people.

The Prime Minister’s remarks at the CCBC luncheon:

News release from the Prime Minister’s Office:

Commercial Agreements:

Details on the 20 commercial agreements signed:

Backgrounders on various agreements are available:



RMB Hub:



Air Links:

Strategic Dialog:

Air Transport :

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)