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New Chinese Ambassador to Canada, ZHANG Junsai, gives keynote at the Canada China Business Council Montreal office opening

Montreal, QC (January 19, 2011) – China’s Ambassador to Canada Zhang Junsai made his first official speech today to an audience of business leaders, at a luncheon to celebrate the opening of the Canada China Business Council’s (CCBC) new Montreal office. Ambassador Zhang’s presentation underlined the growing Canada-China connection and the importance that the Chinese government places on trade and investment with Canada.

CCBC president Peter Harder told the luncheon, “Increasingly, we see the Canada-China trade and investment relationship becoming more important to both sides. From the Chinese perspective, for example, the decision by the China Investment Corporation to locate its first off-shore office in Canada, announced this week, speaks volumes about their investment interests.”

“We believe the hard work by the Canadian government is certainly paying off, and we are very optimistic about the future of this critical global trade relationship. More and more, CCBC sees significant Chinese global organizations establishing themselves in Canada. For example, among CCBC members we have Huawei, the world’s largest telecom company, as well as the Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Air China, and CITIC,” he said.

“Since its founding more than 30 years ago, CCBC has had a powerful group of Quebec companies at its core,” said Sarah Kutulakos, CCBC Executive Director. “While we have always had a Montreal chapter, the growing importance that the Quebec government and business community places on enhancing China trade and investment made it clear to us that we needed a larger footprint in Quebec. We anticipate that the new office, and Montreal Chapter Manager Travis Joern will very quickly establish CCBC as an important bridge between Quebec and China,” she said.

CCBC’s Montreal office is located at 1250, boulevard Rene-Levesque Ouest, Montreal, QC, in the offices of Heenan Blaikie. For inquires about CCBC’s services in Montreal, please contact Travis Joern, Montreal Chapter Manager, at (514) 585-8487, or by email, at travis@ccbc.sunflowerdemo.com.

Media contact:
Garrick K.C. Ngai
Director of Communications
Canada China Business Council
TEL: 416-954-3800 ext. 314
EMAIL: garrick@ccbc.sunflowerdemo.com

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)