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State Council’s Circular on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Attracting Foreign Investment

Oct 18, 2023Guest Blog Posts @fr

(without prejudice)


State Council Document No. 11, 2023


To the People’s Governments of Provinces, Autonomous Regions, and Municipalities; Ministries and Commissions of the State Council; and Agencies Directly Affiliated to the State Council:


Attracting and utilizing foreign investment is an important part of advancing high-standard opening-up and building a new system for an open economy with Chinese characteristics. To further optimize the environment for foreign investment, enhance investment promotion and foreign investment attraction, the following opinions are hereby presented.


I. General Requirements
Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, it is important to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), ensure steady development and stable growth, ensure full, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, establish a new development paradigm, promote high-quality development, advance the strategic vision for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the context of unprecedented transformations in the world, create a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment, give full play to the advantages of China’s vast market, make greater efforts in attracting and utilizing foreign investment effectively, and make contributions to high-level opening-up and building a modern socialist country in all respects.


II. Enhancing the Quality of Foreign Investment Utilization
1. Intensify efforts to attract foreign investment in key sectors. It’s necessary to encourage foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) to establish research and development centers in China, collaborate with domestic enterprises on technology research and development and industrial application, and undertake major scientific research projects. It’s crucial to accelerate the implementation of foreign investment projects in the biopharmaceutical sector in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, encourage FIEs in China to conduct clinical trials of cell and gene therapy drugs that are already marketed overseas according to the law, and streamline the application process for the registration of local production of drugs that have been marketed overseas. It’s essential to support collaboration between FIEs in advanced manufacturing, modern services, and the digital economy and vocational schools (including technical training schools) and vocational training institutions.


2. Let the Pilot Demonstration Projects for Greater Openness in the Service Sector lead the way. It’s important to align with international high-standard trade and economic rules, and strengthen the efforts of the Pilot Demonstration Projects for Greater Openness in the Services Sector. It’s critical to encourage the exploration of financing based on assets portfolios that include intellectual property, equity, and entities, and support exploration of the standardization and securitization of intellectual property. It’s vital to gradually expand the regions for piloting the transfer of shares in equity investment and venture capital. It’s substantial to be prudent in expanding the regions piloting the opening-up of value-added telecommunications services, such as domestic Internet Virtual Private Network (VPN) business (with foreign equity not exceeding 50%), information services (limited to app stores, excluding online publishing services), and Internet access services (limited to providing Internet access services to users).


3. Broaden channels for attracting foreign investment. It’s imperative to encourage eligible foreign investors to establish investment companies and regional headquarters, and these enterprises may be treated as FIEs in accordance with relevant national regulations. It’s important to ensure full implementation the Qualified Foreign Limited Partner (QFLP) domestic investment pilot, establish a sound QFLP foreign exchange management facilitation system, and support them in conducting relevant investments with RMB raised abroad.


4. Support transfer of FIEs to China’s inland. Based on opening-up platforms such as free trade pilot zones, national-level new areas, and national-level development zones, it’s pivotal to encourage the transfer of industries from eastern regions to the central and western regions, northeastern regions, and border regions through mechanisms for sharing output value and benefits. FIEs that transfer wholly to China’s inland may continue to be supervised by customs with the credit rating level obtained in their original regions.


5. Improve the mechanism for promoting the construction of foreign-funded projects. It’s crucial to improve the task forces for major and key foreign-funded projects, strengthen support in terms of factors supplies, policies, and service provision, and promote early signing, implementation, construction, and operation of foreign-funded projects. It’s necessary to introduce policies and measures to promote green power consumption, support increased participation by FIEs in green power certificate trading and cross-provincial and cross-regional green power trading.


III. Providing National Treatment for FIEs
6. Allow the participation of FIEs in government procurement activities in accordance with the law. It’s essential to introduce measures to clarify the specific standards for « produced within China ». It’s vital to create new cooperative procurement methods, support FIEs in developing world-leading innovative products in China through first-time purchases and state purchase orders. It’s also important to accelerate the revision of the Government Procurement Law. It’s critical to conduct special inspections to ensure that business entities have fair participation in government procurement activities, penalize differential treatment against FIEs in accordance with the law, and notify the public of typical cases of violation as appropriate. If FIEs believe that their rights and interests have been harmed in government procurement activities, they can raise questions and complaints in accordance with regulations, and financial departments at all levels must accept and handle them fairly in accordance with the law.


7. Support FIEs’ equal participation in standard-setting in accordance with the law. It’s important to ensure information disclosure througout the process of standard formulation and revision, and that FIEs participate equally in standardization technical committees and standard formulation in accordance with the law. It’s vital to encourage FIEs in developing standards on their own or jointly with other enterprises, and provide standard services. It’s appropriate to run national-level service industry standardization trials in the Integrated Demonstration Zones for Greater Openness in the Service Sector .


8. Ensure that FIEs equally enjoy support policies. The policies issued by all regions to support industrial development and expand domestic demand may not exclude or discriminate against FIEs and their products and services by limiting brands or refusing foreign brands, unless there are clear provisions in laws and regulations or concerns over national security.


IV. Strengthening the Protection of FIEs
9. Improve the mechanism for protecting the rights and interests of FIEs. It’s important to improve the mechanism for international investment disputes settlement, strengthen the responsibility of relevant parties, enhance dispute prevention, and properly resolve international investment disputes. It’s imperative to crack down on malicious acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of FIEs, such as the online publication and dissemination of false and unauthorized information, and investigate and severely punish violations in accordance with the law. It’s vital to establish and improve the FIE complaint and coordination mechanism at the provincial level to help address issues involving multiple departments or policy and institutional changes.


10. Strengthen administrative protection of intellectual property rights. It’s important to improve the administrative ruling system for patent infringement disputes and enhance the enforcement of administrative rulings. It’s critical to support the establishment of intellectual property workstations at exhibitions to accept copyright, patent, trademark, and other intellectual property applications of the exhibits, and provide effective measures for preventing infringement. It’s necessary to strengthen IPR protection in the procurement of medicines and medical consumables and require enterprises participating in procurement activities to commit that there are no violations of patent law and other laws and regulations. For products involved in intellectual property disputes, relevant departments should strengthen communication and consultation, and conduct procurement activities in accordance with the law and regulations. Timely measures must be taken to refuse purchasing or canceling candidacy for products that have been determined infringing by administrative rulings of intellectual property departments or effective judgments of the courts.


11. Intensify administrative law enforcement to protect intellectual property rights. It’s imperative to crack down on infringements of the intellectual property rights of FIEs, and conduct special law enforcement against cross-regional, chain-type infringement. It’s crucial to improve the rapid and coordinated protection mechanism for intellectual property rights, expedite the processing of cases with clear facts and solid evidence in accordance with the law, establish and improve an integrated online and offline law enforcement mechanism, and streamline procedural requirements as appropriate.


12. Standardize the formulation of foreign economic and trade policies and regulations. In the formulation of foreign economic and trade policies and measures, policymakers should increase transparency and predictability, hear from foreign investors, and leave transitional periods before new policies are implemented.


V. Facilitate Investment and Business Operation
13. Optimize policies for the stay and residence of expatriate employees of FIEs. It’s necessary to improve the entry and exit policies to provide convenience for the entry, exit, and residence of expatriate executives, technical personnel, and their families. Guidance should be provided to Chinese embassies or consulates in major source countries of investment to facilitate visa applications for executives of multinational corporations, and the economic and commercial sections of embassies should publicize China’s entry policies in a timely manner. It’s important to provide convenience for qualified senior management and technical personnel employed and recommended by FIEs to apply for permanent residency. It’s also desirable to make it easier for expatriates to use permanent resident card for public transport, financial services, medical insurance, and internet payment.


14. Explore a management mechanism for convenient and secure cross-border data flow. It’s essential to implement requirements of laws such as the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law, establish a green channel for qualified FIEs to efficiently conduct safety assessments for the outflow of important data and personal information, and promote secure, orderly, and free data flow. It’s important to support efforts of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and other places to explore the creation of a general list of free flow of data, build a service platform, and provide compliance services for cross-border data flow, as they conduct security assessments for data outflows, verification of personal information, and standard document filing for personal information outflows.


15. Coordinate and optimize law enforcement inspections of FIEs. It’s important to move forward the oversight model using randomly selected inspectors to inspect randomly selected entities and requiring the prompt release of results, while strengthening credit risk classification in the meantime. FIEs with low credit risks should enjoy fewer and less frequent inspections. It’s critical to support regions with the right conditions in coordinating inspections on workplace safety, environmental protection, and product quality, so that the inspections can be done in one go.


16. Improve service provision for FIEs. It’s important to establish and improve the roundtable mechanism with FIEs. Task forces at all levels need to build a coordination system for major and key foreign-funded projects to swiftly resolve difficulties and problems encountered in project signing, construction, and operation. It’s necessary to facilitate the signing of certificates of origin under free trade agreements and provide convenience for FIEs to enjoy tariff benefits.


VI. Increasing Financial and Tax Support
17. Strengthen the funding support for promoting foreign investment. The special central fund for foreign trade and economic relations should be utilized to increase support for landmark foreign-funded projects, and promote their early implementation. Local governments at all levels need to put foreign investment promotion funds to good use by attracting more investments in key industrial chains. Local governments should, within their statutory authority, provide support for investment projects of major multinational corporations.


18. Encourage FIEs to reinvest domestically. It’s important to implement the policies of temporarily exempting witholding income tax on profits reinvested domestically by foreign investors, and intensify publicity and guidance on local commercial and tax authorities to specify the scope of policy application, application documentation, and processing procedures.


19. Implement the preferential tax policies for FIEs. Guidance and assistance should be provided to foreign individuals to enjoy tax benefits for housing subsidies, language training fees, children’s education fees, etc., in accordance with the regulations. Guidance and assistance should also be offered to foreign-funded research and development centers to enjoy tax policies supporting the import of innovative technologies and value-added tax refund policies for domestically purchased equipment in accordance with the regulations.


20. Support FIEs’ investments in the priority areas for China’s development. It’s crucial to support regions, within their statutory authority, in implementing incentives for FIEs with investments in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment. Local authorities need to ensure that tariff exemption policies are delivered for encouraged foreign-invested projects.


VII. Improving Foreign Investment Promotion Methods
21. Improve the investment promotion mechanism. The Ministry of Commerce of China has made 2023 the “Invest in China Year” and will continue to build the “Invest in China” brand. MOFCOM will build work mechanisms to guide and support foreign investment promotion by local governments. Regions with conditions are encouraged to establish investment promotion cooperation mechanisms with other countries or regions, and build investment promotion platforms in various forms. Regions are encouraged to explore more effective and flexible employment mechanisms and compensation systems for non-civil servants and non-institutional positions in the foreign investment promotion departments and teams. They may explore cross-regional, cross-level, and cross-departmental personnel transfers to improve staffing for foreign investment promotion, and build a diversified foreign investment promotion work system, and a flexible and efficient system to coordinate governments, investment promotion agencies, chambers of commerce, intermediary agencies, and industrial chain leaders.


22. Facilitate overseas investment promotion. It’s important to support investment promotion groups from across China in carrying out regular investment attraction activities abroad, and inviting foreign investors to China. For major and key foreign-invested projects, multiple-entry business visas may be issued as needed.


23. Expand channels for foreign investment promotion. It’s essential to strengthen the connection between Chinese embassies and key enterprises in host countries or regions to promote investment opportunities in China. Regional authorities are encouraged to enhance communication with economic and commercial sections of Chinese embassies of the Ministry of Commerce and investment promotion agencies of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade , leverage the role of overseas investment promotion agencies or representative offices established by local authorities, and strengthen connections and collaboration with international trade and investment promotion organizations.


24. Optimize foreign investment promotion evaluation. It’s important to establish and improve the evaluation system for the effectiveness of foreign investment promotion, with the focus on the actual contributions of investment to economic and social development, and prevent using statistics on investment attraction and paid-in capital as the sole basis for assessment of enterprises and bonus and penalties. It’s imperative to prevent data exaggeration and fabrication, and vicious competition.


VIII. Strengthening Organization and Implementation
To achieve the goal of utilizing foreign investment with stability and quality, all regions, departments, and authorities must be determined in implementing the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, raise awareness of their political significance, intensify efforts in optimizing the investment environment and attracting foreign investment. Regions are encouraged to introduce supporting measures according to local conditions to create synergy of policies. The Ministry of Commerce, together with other departments, will strengthen guidance and coordination, policy publicity, take timely measures to implement the policies, and create a better environment for foreign investors to boost their confidence in investing in China.


The State Council of the People’s Republic of China
July 25, 2023





































































Canada China Business Council (CCBC)