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[SOLD OUT] Rapid and Sustainable Growth: Innovative Strategies for Chinese-Canadian Businesses

28 février @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST


Date :
28 février
Heure :
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST
Catégories d’Évènement:
, , , ,


SmithToronto, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Simcoe Place, 200 Front Street West, 30th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3K2 Canada
+ Google Map

Chinese-Canadian entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the Canadian economy, demonstrating boldness in establishing businesses and exploring markets not only in Canada but also in China, the United States, and beyond. As they navigate various stages of business development, they encounter challenges to achieving rapid and sustainable growth.

The Canada China Business Council (CCBC) is pleased to have Mr. Noah Xie, Chairman and Founder of Kmind Consulting, one of China’s leading strategy consulting firms, to share cutting-edge insights on strategy. Mr. Xie will break down his unique strategic system, blending top Chinese strategy theory with Western management theory, and offer practical experience and knowledge on guiding firms to achieve market leadership through rapid and sustainable growth.

Following Mr. Xie’s presentation, a panel discussion will feature the Chairman of Unisync Group, the Founder of Beautywww Inc. (Shoosha), and the General Manager of Canada Royal Milk. They will share their experiences in building businesses in both the Canadian and Chinese markets, engaging in a discussion with Mr. Xie about strategies to enhance brand awareness and drive sales. The audience is encouraged to raise questions and actively participate in the discussion.

加拿大华人企业家在加拿大经济社会中扮演着重要角色。他们立足加拿大,以进取精神开拓着加拿大、中国、美国以及更多国家的市场。而在企业发展的不同阶段,他们毫无疑问的 也面临着快速增长和可持续发展的挑战。



Event Language 活动语言: Mandarin / 普通话

Tickets 入场票: Free for CCBC members; $50 + HST for non-members / 加中贸易理事会会员免费;非会员$50+税

Dress Code 着装: Business Formal / 商务正装

Venue capacity is limited, registrations will be accepted and confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, and will close upon reaching maximum capacity.


Welcome By 欢迎致辞:

Dr. Wei WANG
Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University

Dr. Wei WANG is a Distinguished Professor of Finance and Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs, at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Canada. He is also the founding director of Renmin Queen’s Master of Finance.

His research papers on corporate restructuring have been published in top finance journals and featured in prominent media, such as the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Wang’s coauthored book, Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy, was published by Wiley Publishing House in 2019. Since 2012, he has been invited to write finance case packages for the Harvard Business School and has published many cases, which have been adopted by many schools internationally. From 2015 to 2018, he was an adjunct professor at the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania, teaching corporate restructuring, in their undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, and Exec Ed programs. He was a visiting professor at the HKUST Business School and a foreign expert at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. In 2020, he was invited to join the COVID-19 and Bankruptcy Working Group, providing policy response recommendations to the US Senate and Congress.


王炜博士为加拿大女王大学史密斯商学院金融学杰出教授和副院长,主管学院所有专业硕士项目。2013 年,他推动女王大学和中国人民大学共同创建了中国知名的“人大-女王金融硕士项目 ”。

王教授的公司重组和困境投资的研究论文多次在顶级金融期刊上发表,并被《华尔街日报》等知名媒体报道。他合著的《企业财务困境、重组和破产》(《拯救危困企业》的英文原著)一 书由 Wiley 出版社于 2019 年正式发行。从2012年起,经哈佛商学院特聘,他为其撰写了多套全球知名金融商务案例。他在 2015—2018 年期间在美国宾大沃顿商学院担任特聘教授,教授本科、 MBA 、EMBA 和高管培训教育等项目的企业重组课程。他曾担任香港科技大学商学院访问教授和上海财经大学明德重组中心特聘海外专家。王教授于2020 年加入美国 COVID- 19 破产工作组,向美国参议院和众议院提供政策应对建议。


About the Speakers 演讲及讨论者:

Noah XIE
Founder and Chairman
Kmind Consulting

With over two decades of professional experience & research, Mr. Noah Xie has guided over a hundred firms in developing their corporate strategy. Specializing in the fusion of Eastern wisdom with Western business theory, he navigates firms to secure strategic opportunities, build competitive advantages, and attain sustainable growth, positioning them as market leaders and driving industry development.

Since 2008, Mr. Xie has shared his strategic theories and insights, benefiting over 50,000 business owners. In June 2023, he presented his cutting-edge strategic insights at MIT Sloan, Brown University, and the Harvard Club of Boston to 500 veteran business leaders, becoming the first Chinese expert to do so.

In recent years, Mr. Xie has led Kmind in guiding dozens of firms to become industry leaders, including but not limited to China Feihe, Bosideng Group, Yadea Holdings, Hodo Group, Bull Group, Angel Water Purification, and Xiaoxiandun, leading five companies to surpass an annual revenue of 10 billion RMB.

君智战略咨询创始人 董事长





Sarah Kutulakos
Executive Director and COO
Canada China Business Council

Ms. Sarah Kutulakos joined the CCBC in 2007 and has since revitalized CCBC’s role as Canada’s premier bilateral trade and investment organization. Ms. Kutulakos has re-centered the Council’s activities around providing business services, catalyzing business growth and activity, and advocating for stronger Sino-Canadian bilateral trade and investment. This has resulted in extensive public outreach activities, internal infrastructure improvements, the launch of new programs such as the Business Incubation Centre, and thriving member relations.

Prior to joining CCBC, Ms. Kutulakos worked for 11 years in marketing, product development, and management with a major multinational corporation, where she had multiple assignments involving China. Ms. Kutulakos managed worldwide product businesses that marketed to China and used China-based sources of supply. She was also involved in several projects requiring cooperation with the Chinese government. Ms. Kutulakos has led both established and start-up businesses within the context of a global corporation and has broad emerging market business experience, and has been involved in the Greater China region since the late 1980s when she lived and worked in Taiwan. There, she was the first non-Chinese employee of a local high-tech start-up firm, where she gained a deep understanding of Chinese business practices.

A fluent Mandarin speaker, Ms. Kutulakos’s interest in China began at the University of Wisconsin, where she studied Chinese, marketing, and international business. She holds an MBA in finance and operations from the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. She frequently speaks on China issues, including marketing, trade, investment, and Canada-China relations.


高诗如女士 (Sarah Kutulakos) 于2007年加入加中贸易理事会,她的到来为加拿大最主要的双边贸易和投资组织—加中贸易理事会注入了新的活力。高女士将理事会的工作重心转移到提供商务服务、加快企业增长和提高企业活力以及促进加强加中双边贸易和投资上来,使理事会的公共外联活动更加丰富,内部组织结构持续改进,企业孵化中心等新项目层出不穷,会员规模日益壮大。

在进入加中贸易理事会前, 她曾在一家知名跨国公司工作过11年,先后从事过市场营销、产品开发和管理等工作,并参与过多项涉华业务。高女士曾掌管过面向中国市场销售并从中国采购原料的全球产品业务,并参与过多项与中国政府部门合作的项目。高女士拥有领导全球性大型公司和新创公司的双重经验,以及丰富的新兴市场业务经验。她于1980年代后期曾一度赴台湾生活和工作, 此后一直从事与大中华区有关的工作。在台期间, 她成为当地一家高科技初创公司的首位非华裔雇员,由此对中国的商业惯例有了更深的认识。



Chenggang HAN
General Manager
Canada Royal Milk

Mr. Chenggang HAN (Master in Veterinary Microbiology) joined Canada Royal Milk in 2018, where he initially served as Quality Manager until 2021. Since late 2021, Mr. Han has held the position of General Manager at Canada Royal Milk.

Commencing his dairy industry career in 2002, Mr. HAN has held various roles, including Area Supervisor, Quality Manager, Production Manager, Project Manager, Business Development Manager, and Factory Manager, at European enterprises operating in China such as Nestlé, Bayer, and Food Union.


韩成钢 是中国农科院预防兽医学硕士。

韩先生2018年加入加拿大皇家妙克公司,2018-2021年任质量经理,2021年底至今任加拿大皇家妙克公司总经理。 2002年开始入行乳制品行业,先后在雀巢,拜耳,food union等在华欧洲企业做过 奶区主管,质量经理,生产经理,项目经理,商务经理,工厂经理等不同职位。


Tim Gu
Unisync Group

Mr. Tim Gu is a distinguished entrepreneur and business leader with over 25 years of experience. As Chairman of Unisync Group (TSX: UNI.TO), a publicly traded company and one of Canada’s largest uniform suppliers, Mr. Gu has been instrumental in providing uniforms to top-tier clients such as Air Canada, WestJet, and Tim Hortons.

In his capacity as Owner and President of E.Star International Inc., he oversees a major apparel manufacturing operation, inclusive of three garment factories in the Toronto area, catering to prominent clients like Canada Goose and the Canadian Department of National Defense.

Additionally, Mr. Gu is the co-owner of Tilley Endurables Inc., renowned for its premium hats, and Willowwood School, a well-regarded Toronto-based private school with a 40-year history.

His diverse business portfolio extends to real estate investments and high-end custom home building. Mr. Gu’s commitment to community and business development is exemplified by his 23-year tenure as Vice President of the Scarborough York Region Business Association. Complementing his extensive practical experience is an MBA from the Rotman School, University of Toronto.

Tim Gu
Unisync Group

Tim Gu,是一位拥有超过25年经验的杰出企业家和商业领袖。作为Unisync Group(TSX:UNI.TO)的董事长,这是一家上市公司及加拿大最大的制服供应商之一,Tim在为加拿大航空、WestJet和Tim Hortons等顶级客户提供制服方面发挥了重要作用。

作为E.Star International Inc.的总裁,他负责监督重大的服装制造业务,包括三家位于多伦多地区的服装工厂,其显著客户包括加拿大鹅(Canada Goose)和加拿大国防部。

Tim还是以其高级帽子而闻名的Tilley Endurables Inc.的共同拥有者,以及拥有40年历史的尊贵多伦多私立学校——Willowood School的共同拥有者。



Claire Zhang
Beautywww Inc. (Shoosha)

Since immigrating to Canada in 1996, Ms. Claire Zhang has accumulated over a decade of procurement and management experience in the retail industry, working for multinational companies such as Bata, Fila, and Forzani Group.

Driven by a passion for nature, advocacy for environmental protection, and concerns about the sustainability of agriculture, she founded Beautywww Inc. in 2020. The company currently boasts the first fully USDA-certified food-grade organic skincare brand in North America, Shoosha Truly Organic, and the Ecocert-certified organic skincare brand Beauty Duo.

Beautywww Inc. is dedicated to developing and manufacturing organic skincare products, striving to offer safer and healthier skincare options. These products are well received in retail channels such as Costco, Whole Foods Market, Well.ca, and more, with distribution spanning the United States, mainland China, Turkey, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Fueled by her passion, Ms. Zhang strives to propel individuals toward a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle through her dedication and efforts.


自1996年移民加拿大以来,张仁晨在零售业积累了十多年的采购和管理经验,曾在Bata, Forzani group等跨国公司任职。

她热爱大自然,倡导环保,关注农业的可持续性。于2020年创建了优美在线公司,目前旗下拥有北美首家全线通过USDA认证的食品级有机母婴护肤品牌 Shoosha truly organic,以及Ecocert 认证的有机护肤品牌 Beauty Duo。

优美在线致力于开发和生产有机护肤品,致力于打造更安全,更健康的护肤产品, 产品畅销于Costco、Whole Foods Market、well.ca等零售渠道,覆盖美国、中国大陆、土耳其、越南、香港和台湾等多个国家和地区。



Jeff Zhang
Regional Director, Central Canada
Canada China Business Council

Jeff Zhang has over 20 years of international experience in private, public and non-profit organizations in a variety of sectors including E-commerce, oil and gas, retail, commercial real estate, education and financial services. Prior to joining CCBC, Mr. Zhang worked in establishment and operation management at a Sino-Foreign joint venture company and in strategic partnership management at a Fortune 500 multinational company. He also led and assisted a number of Canadian companies and educational institutions into China where he was responsible for strategic partnerships and branding establishment.

Mr. Zhang has an MBA in marketing and international business from Concordia University in Montreal and is fluent in Mandarin and English. He has also been a guest speaker at professional business associations in China and Canada.

Jeff Zhang

张宏伟(Jeff Zhang)拥有超过20多年服务于公共、私营以及非营利组织机构的国际经验,涉及的领域包括电子商务,石油和天然气,零售,商业房地产,教育和金融服务。 在加入CCBC之前,张先生在一家中外合资企业从事项目管理和运营管理工作,并在一家财富500强的跨国公司中从事过战略伙伴关系管理工作。 他还领导并协助了许多加拿大公司和教育机构进入中国,负责战略合作伙伴关系和品牌建立。


Canada China Business Council (CCBC)