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China Ready 2021 Series Session #4: How to Manage Legal Risk and Improve Your Prospects for Early Success in China

Sep 15, 2021Événements passés

China Ready 2021 Series Session #4: How to Manage Legal Risk and Improve Your Prospects for Early Success in China

Sep 15, 2021Événements passés

Introduced in 2020, CCBC is pleased to host the second edition of the China Ready webinar series, designed to provide SME executives with the knowledge and insight needed to launch into the China market successfully. As China continues to rebound from COVID-19, the demand for Canadian branded products will be strong throughout 2021. Participants who complete all six sessions will receive a ‘CCBC China Ready’ certificate. Conclusion of all six will leave participants ready to consider their next steps.


China Ready 2021 Series Session #4: How to Manage Legal Risk and Improve Your Prospects for Early Success in China
This session was designed for businesses looking to better understand the current legal landscape in China. Having a trusted legal advisor is a ‘must-have’ in your China strategy plan. Tianpeng WANG, CEO and Founder of Trustiics Inc., provided expert guidance and advice on how to effectively navigate any legal matters related to your business. A seasoned international business lawyer with extensive experience in China, Tianpeng highlighted common legal issues that international companies face when structuring their market entry.


Attendees took away practical tips on legal-related issues for doing business in or with China such as: selling through e-commerce platforms, conducting due diligence, IP protection strategy, the enforceability of sales contracts, and hiring and firing.


Recommended by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Trustiics is an online legal marketplace giving SMEs access to affordable, reliable resources and hundreds of vetted legal professionals from China and Canada.


This session was free of charge for CCBC members, C$25+HST for non-members.


The link to the video presentation is available upon request. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


• Atlantic: Laura Markle
• Quebec: Philippe Jeanneau
• Ontario: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies: Philippe Jeanneau
• BC: Philippe Jeanneau

• Beijing: Noah Fraser

• Shanghai: Edward Dai


Webinar Series Sponsor 



Session Sponsor 



About the Speaker



Tianpeng WANG

CEO and Founder

Trustiics Inc.


Tianpeng WANG is the CEO and Founder of Trustiics, a Canada-based online marketplace where international companies and businesspeople get quick and quality legal services provided by vetted lawyers in China and Canada.


He is a U.S. & China trained and qualified lawyer with 15 years of experience as an international business lawyer. Before moving to Canada, Tianpeng was an Equity Partner at Jingtian & Gongcheng, a prestigious national law firm in China and was a key partner in building up Jingtian’s private equity practice. Prior to that, he was a corporate lawyer at different international law firms including Clifford Chance, Morrison & Foerster and Linklaters.


In the decade after China entered the World Trade Organization, Tianpeng advised international private equity funds and multinational corporations on their investment activities and compliance issues in China such as Warburg Pincus, Telefonica, Standard Chartered Private Equity, Goldman Sachs, 3i, FountainVest, John Deere, Volkswagen, CVC, Blackstone and Siemens.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)