The CCBC met Mr. YANG Luyu, Mayor of Jinan, and his trade delegation at McCarthy Tetrault’s Toronto offices on March 25. Mayor YANG met Jean Charest, former Premier of Quebec and Partner at McCarthy Tetrault, as well as Sarah Kutulakos, CCBC Executive Director,...
CCBC Alberta Chapter hosted Mr. Weldon Epp, Canadian Consul General in Guangzhou, on November 20 at a breakfast on the evolving business, trade and investment landscape in Guangdong and South China. Mr. Epp shared his unique insights and experience on what are the...
Mercredi dernier, les amis et membres du CCBC ont eu le privilège d’obtenir une mise à jour sur les défis et les opportunités du marché du détail et de l’immobilier commercial de la Chine, à travers l’expertise de M. Jeff Zhang. M. Zhang est...
CCBC and HKCBA co-hosted a joint luncheon for Ian Burchett, Canadian Consul General in Hong Kong and Macao at the Four Seasons in Vancouver on June 20. Mr. Burchett has served abroad in New York City, Beijing and Washington D.C in various capacities. He further...
Le 18 juin, le CCBC accueillait membres et amis lors d’un dîner-causerie avec Ian Burchett, Consul général du Canada à Hong Kong et Macao au bureau montréalais de Gowlings. Le Consul général Burchett a été affecté à différentes fonctions à New York, Beijing et...
CCBC hosted a business luncheon on June 12 for Rick Savone, Canadian Consul General in Shanghai. Consul General Savone is an experienced Canadian diplomat who has served abroad in Algeria, United States, and Mexico. He is widely recognized as an expert in economic...