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Ministry predicts new surge in ODI

Outbound direct investment (ODI) for 2011-15 is expected to register double-digit annual growth to reach $560 billion, matching the nation’s foreign direct investment (FDI), a statement from the Ministry of Commerce said. >>>  Read more

China’s trade surplus narrows

China’s 2011 trade surplus shrank slightly to $160-billion last year, Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming said on Thursday, giving grist to Beijing’s vows to boost imports and balance the nation’s trade. >>> Read more

Tapping into the expat market

On a recent brisk afternoon, Meghan Cochran swung by one of China’s few remaining hutong areas in Beijing’s Beixinqiao district. Huddled around a large kitchen table with a handful of other foreigners, the medical intern set out to master the art of making...

Beijing, Shenzhen raise minimum wages

Authorities in Beijing and Shenzhen announced above-inflation increases in local minimum wages ahead of the New Year, as they seek to encourage migrant workers to stay put in what is likely to be another year of labor shortages. >>> Read more
Canada China Business Council (CCBC)