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[SOLD OUT] Lunar New Year Vancouver Reception: Unveiling Insights from the Canada-China Business Survey

Bennett Jones LLP 666 Burrard St #2500, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join CCBC for an exclusive Lunar New Year cocktail reception on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, in Vancouver. The event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the insights gathered from CCBC's Canada-China Business Survey 2022/2023, following the official report launch in Toronto on January 25. Together with the Rotman Institute for International Business, CCBC conducts […]

[COMPLET] Réception du Nouvel An lunaire à Montréal : Dévoilement des résultats du sondage du CCBC

National Bank of Canada / Banque Nationale du Canada 600 de la Gauchetiere Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Joignez-vous à nous pour un cocktail du Nouvel An lunaire le mercredi 31 janvier 2024 au siège social de la Banque Nationale du Canada. L'évènement offre l'opportunité d'en connaître davantage sur les perspectives recueillies dans le cadre du Sondage du Conseil d’affaires Canada-Chine 2022/2023. Cette réception fera suite au lancement officiel du rapport à Toronto réalisé […]

[SOLD OUT] Rapid and Sustainable Growth: Innovative Strategies for Chinese-Canadian Businesses

SmithToronto, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University Simcoe Place, 200 Front Street West, 30th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Chinese-Canadian entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the Canadian economy, demonstrating boldness in establishing businesses and exploring markets not only in Canada but also in China, the United States, and beyond. As they navigate various stages of business development, they encounter challenges to achieving rapid and sustainable growth. The Canada China Business Council (CCBC) is […]

Unlocking the Chinese Market: Cross-Border E-commerce Seminar and B2B Meetings with Tmall Global HQ Team

Pavilion Ballroom, Sheraton Wall Centre 1000 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The Canada China Business Council (CCBC) and Tmall Global invite you to an exclusive seminar in downtown Vancouver on Tuesday, March 19. Here, you'll uncover invaluable insights on expanding your brand in the Chinese e-commerce market, leveraging the robust ecosystem provided by Tmall Global. We welcome all companies and manufacturers of retail and consumer brands […]

Mastering IP Protection and Data Regulations in China

Zoom Webinar

Enhance your understanding of Intellectual Property (IP) protection and data security nuances in China with our upcoming comprehensive training session on March 22. As data becomes an indispensable facet across diverse industries, most Canadian companies face increasing complexities in comprehending the evolving landscape of data security and regulations in China. This training is specifically tailored […]

Networking Lunch with CCBC Board of Directors in Vancouver

Teck Resources 34th Floor, Bentall 5, 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Experience an exclusive networking lunch hosted by the Canada China Business Council (CCBC), offering a rare opportunity to connect with members of CCBC’s Board of Directors, including Chairman Olivier Desmarais, President Graham Shantz, Vice-Chair Hon. Martin Cauchon, Vice-Chair David Fung, and Executive Director & COO Sarah Kutulakos, as they visit Vancouver. Other board members in attendance include Paul Blom, […]

[SOLD OUT] Expanding Market and Funding Opportunities for Canadian Businesses in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)

McMillan LLP Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street, Suite 4400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Comprising Hong Kong, Macao and nine municipalities of China’s Guangdong Province, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is poised to become the new economic powerhouse for China and the world. With a staggering population of over 80 million and a GDP surpassing US$2,000 billion, the GBA offers an unrivaled concentration of innovative talents, research […]

Quebec Community Series: Member Experience – Building and Maintaining Partnerships in Academia

CCBC Quebec Chapter Office RC4, 759 Square-Victoria, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Quebec CCBC Community on Best Business Practices in China serves as a platform for members to exchange insights and establish exchange groups across sectors in China. Given shifting business perspectives between Canada and China and ongoing market changes, this community provides crucial updates to CCBC members. With a focus on fostering deeper connections and […]

Les « Deux Sessions » de la Chine et le CIIE en 2024 : Points essentiels pour les entreprises canadiennes

Fasken 800 Square Victoria, 35th Floor, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Les « Deux Sessions » de la Chine sont les réunions plénières annuelles de l’Assemblée nationale populaire et de la Conférence consultative du peuple chinois qui rassemblent des délégués de tout le pays pour discuter et approuver les priorités nationales. Ces rencontres dévoilent le programme politique du gouvernement et les objectifs annuels de croissance du […]

CCBC Member Outreach to the Greater Bay Area

Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen

CCBC invites members to join Executive Director & COO Sarah Kutulakos for an exploration of China’s Greater Bay Area (GBA), a mega-region in Southern China that is a thriving hub of innovation and technology, with 73 million people and a GDP of USD 1.6 trillion, just behind the economy of Canada. With stops in Hong […]

Quebec Community Series: Case Study – Market Entry Strategy

Investissement Québec 1001 Blvd Robert-Bourassa 10e étage, Montréal, Québec, Canada

The Quebec CCBC Community on Best Business Practices in China serves as a platform for members to exchange insights and establish exchange groups across sectors in China. Given shifting business perspectives between Canada and China and ongoing market changes, this community provides crucial updates to CCBC members. With a focus on fostering deeper connections and understanding of […]

Quebec Community Series: Specialist Intervention – Conducting Business Meetings

Investissement Québec 1001 Blvd Robert-Bourassa 10e étage, Montréal, Québec, Canada

The Quebec CCBC Community on Best Business Practices in China serves as a platform for members to exchange insights and establish exchange groups across sectors in China. Given shifting business perspectives between Canada and China and ongoing market changes, this community provides crucial updates to CCBC members. With a focus on fostering deeper connections and understanding of […]

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)