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Quebec Community Series: Case Study – Market Entry Strategy

25 4 月 @ 9:00 上午 - 10:00 上午 EDT


25 4 月
9:00 上午 - 10:00 上午 EDT
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Investissement Québec
1001 Blvd Robert-Bourassa 10e étage
Montréal, Québec H3B 4L4 Canada
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The Quebec CCBC Community on Best Business Practices in China serves as a platform for members to exchange insights and establish exchange groups across sectors in China. Given shifting business perspectives between Canada and China and ongoing market changes, this community provides crucial updates to CCBC members. With a focus on fostering deeper connections and understanding of the Chinese market, meetings in this series will have a limited number of participants, ranging from 8 to 10, ensuring focused discussions on specific themes in an exclusive setting. The agenda will be divided into two distinct periods: the first part will focus on training and knowledge sharing, while the second part will focus on open discussions.

Case Study – Market Entry Strategy

Free of charge for CCBC members; $500 + tax for non-members

Number of participants:
Limited spots are available, and there is a one-representative limit per organization. Maximum of 10 participants; registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please confirm your presence by email to David Perez-Des Rosiers, Director, Quebec Chapter, at perez.dr@ccbc.com.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)