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CCBC Member Outreach to the Greater Bay Area

13 4 月 - 17 4 月


13 4 月
17 4 月
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Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen

CCBC invites members to join Executive Director & COO Sarah Kutulakos for an exploration of China’s Greater Bay Area (GBA), a mega-region in Southern China that is a thriving hub of innovation and technology, with 73 million people and a GDP of USD 1.6 trillion, just behind the economy of Canada. With stops in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, members can observe how Canadian companies are navigating this market and how Chinese companies based here are innovating and globalizing. Many CCBC members have not traveled to this high-tech region in several years. See how the area is evolving, and how regional goals of economic integration, technology and innovation, and sustainable development create opportunities for future business.

Dates: April 13-17, 2024

Itinerary: Click here for the itinerary and full mission details.

Participants: 15 seats are available, with priority given to CCBC members in good standing. Register using the payment link below; CCBC will then reply confirming your participation in the group.

Mission Fee: C$500 for CCBC members, C$1,000 for non-members. This fee covers 4.5 days of visits and activities, starting in Hong Kong and ending in Shenzhen, and includes some meals during the Mission and local transportation between cities. Delegates are required to pay for their own travel into Hong Kong and out of Shenzhen.

Payment: For CCBC Member payment, click here; for non-member payment, click here; or scan the QR code below.

CCBC Member:


For more information, please contact:

Sponsorship opportunities are available; please contact Sarah Kutulakos, Executive Director & COO, for more information.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)