Navigating China’s 14th FYP by Sector: Natural Resources

3 月 30, 2022CCBC活动回顾

Navigating China’s 14th FYP by Sector: Natural Resources

3 月 30, 2022CCBC活动回顾

On March 30, 2022, 7:00pm – 8:30pm EDT, the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) hosted the fifth and final event in the “Navigating China’s 14th FYP by Sector” series, in partnership with the Economist Intelligence Corporate Network. This session, led by Alfredo Montufar-Helu, Beijing Director, Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, focused on the Natural Resources sector and was designed to strengthen the ability of Canadian businesses to assess risks and opportunities with regards China’s 14th Five Year Plan (FYP) to improve their competitiveness in the China market. After an overview of China’s economic reality and the Canada-China economic relationship, Mr. Montufar-Helu provided a comprehensive Natural Resources sectoral analysis.


The link to the video presentation is available upon request. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


• Atlantic: Edward Dai
• Quebec: Philippe Jeanneau
• Ontario: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies/Nunavut/NWT: Philippe Jeanneau
• BC/Yukon: Philippe Jeanneau
• Beijing: Noah Fraser
• Shanghai: Edward Dai


Beyond the 14th FYP, there are industry-specific subplans. For example, forestry industry stakeholders should take note of both the overall the 14th FYP and two associated sub-plans – the 14th FYP on the Conservation and Development of Forestry and Grassland and the Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030.


Key development priorities drawn from these policy directives include a push to improve forestry conservation and China’s carbon sink capacity. China’s consumption of various wood types, pulp, and wood-pulp rely heavily on imports – which Canada produces and exports en masse. China’s commercial logging ban and Russia’s 2021 decision to ban the export of raw lumber also provides a new opportunity for Canada to fill demand/expand exports.


There are also opportunities abound in China with regards to natural resources and energy, including plans to “attract foreign companies and research institutions to build factories and establish R&D centres.” Further, there is a plan to promote/invest in energy conservation and environment protection, which could provide opportunities for foreign firms via “tax breaks, low-cost lending and government procurement.”


On balance, the China market remains enticing, but the operating landscape has become more challenging, says Mr. Montufar-Helu. Foreign firms, including those from Canada, should stay attuned to the development process, prepare for shifts in demand, and align their corporate strategy to China’s development process to achieve success.


Registration was $25+HST for CCBC members, $50+HST for non-members. Simultaneous French interpretation was available for each session.


CCBC thanks CanExport Associations for partial funding support for this program.



Natural Resources Sponsors:


About the speaker:



Alfredo Montufar-Helu
Beijing Director
Economist Intelligence Corporate Network


Mr. Montufar-Helu works for the Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, the C-suite briefing and networking arm of The Economist Group, and oversees its operations in Beijing. Based in China since 2013, Mr. Montufar-Helu has focused on analyzing the business implications of policy, economic and political developments for companies investing and operating in China, and in the broader Asian region, with the aim of distilling complex issues and conveying clear takeaways on how to capture business opportunities and respond to emerging challenges.


Prior to his current position, Mr. Montufar-Helu was Associate Director for KPMG’s Global China Practice, where he led and contributed to numerous thought leadership projects, including flagship reports, customized business briefings, and policy proposals for Chinese authorities. He also played a large role in events programming and outreach, including leading the design and coordination of high-profile events aimed at senior executives. Prior to that, Mr. Montufar-Helu worked for J Capital Research, Eurasia Group and the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Mr. Montufar-Helu has a Master of Science in Foreign Service (MSFS) from Georgetown University, and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from Mexico’s Center of Research and Teaching in Economics (a.k.a. CIDE).

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)