CCBC Webinar: How Can Managers in China Win the High-Tech Race?

6 月 16, 2021CCBC活动回顾

CCBC Webinar: How Can Managers in China Win the High-Tech Race?

6 月 16, 2021CCBC活动回顾

Chinese high-tech companies are racing to become global leaders in key technologies, ranging from fifth generation wireless networks and artificial intelligence (AI) to automated factories and autonomous driving. Beijing’s commitment to spend more than one trillion dollars on key technologies over the next five years has energised this frenzied race.


Money helps, but it’s not everything. The structure of the innovation ecosystem in which the company is located is also, if not more, critical. There are two main types – those which promote disruptive innovations, like Silicon Valley, and those which encourage incremental innovations, as in Germany.


As managers in China rush to transform their high-tech start-ups into global tech leaders, where should they look for inspiration? Silicon Valley stars such as Google and Apple or Germany’s Mittelstand (small and medium-sized firms) champions, such as Bausch + Ströbel? The answer may surprise you.


The link to the video presentation is available upon request. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


• Atlantic: Laura Markle
• Quebec: Philippe Jeanneau
• Ontario: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies: Philippe Jeanneau
• BC: Philippe Jeanneau

• Beijing: Noah Fraser

• Shanghai: Edward Dai


This event was free of charge for CCBC members and non-members, and was presented by CCBC and CEIBS.


About The Speaker:



Richard Carney
Professor at China Europe International Business School


Dr. Richard W. Carney is in the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). His teaching and research interests primarily focus on business-government relations. He is the author of Authoritarian Capitalism: Sovereign Wealth Funds and State-Owned Enterprises in East Asia and Beyond (Cambridge University Press, 2018), which won the 2019 Masayoshi Ohira Prize. A paper utilising the framework developed in the book won the Best Paper Award on Emerging Economies Research at the 2018 Academy of International Business Meeting; another paper building on the same framework was a finalist for the GW-CIBER Best Paper Award on Emerging Markets at the 2019 Academy of Management Meeting.


Professor Carney has published numerous articles in journals such as the Journal of Financial Economics, Business and Politics, and the Review of International Political Economy. He is also the author of Contested Capitalism: The Political Origins of Financial Systems (2009) and is the editor of Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis (2009).


Prior to joining CEIBS, he taught at the Australian National University and at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He was also a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)