China Ready 2021 Series Session #3: The E-commerce Revolution – Explore Getting Your Product into the World’s Largest Consumer Market

5 月 5, 2021CCBC活动回顾

China Ready 2021 Series Session #3: The E-commerce Revolution – Explore Getting Your Product into the World’s Largest Consumer Market

5 月 5, 2021CCBC活动回顾

Introduced in 2020, CCBC is pleased to host the second edition of the China Ready webinar series, designed to provide SME executives with the knowledge and insight needed to launch into the China market successfully. As China continues to rebound from COVID-19, the demand for Canadian branded products will be strong throughout 2021. Participants who complete all six sessions will receive a ‘CCBC China Ready’ certificate. Conclusion of all six will leave participants ready to consider their next steps.


China Ready 2021 Series Session #3: The E-commerce Revolution – Explore Getting Your Product into the World’s Largest Consumer Market
China has experienced explosive growth in e-commerce and has now taken the top spot as the world’s largest online consumer market. According to a report by think tank, China’s imports through e-commerce rose to more than 2.47 trillion yuan ($379.4 billion) in 2019, up 30 percent year-on-year, with more than 125 million middle-class Chinese consumers trying to get quality imported products through e-commerce platforms. With stats like these, the time has never been better for brands to connect with Chinese consumers by providing high-quality Canadian goods.


In a virtual presentation on May 5, 2021, Bernard He, Founder of Bright Mega Group, provided an overview on the current e-commerce landscape. He also provided advice on how to successfully navigate the complexities of China’s e-commerce market. Bernard has extensive experience providing advice to Canadian and Chinese companies looking to do business in the two markets. His in-depth understanding of both business cultures has been invaluable to his clients who have sought his business insights over the years.


Following the presentation, Bernard and Sophie Xu, Bright Mega sales manager, participated in a Q&A with Laura Markle, CCBC Atlantic Chapter Director.


This session was free of charge for CCBC members, C$25+HST for non-members.


Webinar Series Sponsor



The link to the video presentation is available upon request. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


• Atlantic: Laura Markle
• Quebec: Philippe Jeanneau
• Ontario: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies: Philippe Jeanneau
• BC: Philippe Jeanneau

• Beijing: Noah Fraser

• Shanghai: Edward Dai


About the Speaker



Jun (Bernard) HE

Founder and Managing Partner

Bright Mega


Mr. Jun HE is the Founder and Managing Partner of Bright Mega. He has over 18 years of experience in international business and investment. Since 2012, Mr. He has invested in a variety of industries, including mining, oil and gas and agriculture.


Mr. He is well-connected in both Canada and China. He is very familiar with the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) board and has brought large capital from China into the TSX. Mr. He is the Founder and Owner of Toronto-based Fame Club, a member of the Canada China Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs. In 2014, Mr. He received that organization’s “Best Asia Pacific Business Award.”


Mr. He received his Master’s Degree from the University of International Business and Economics, and MBA from HEC and DEA in Paris, France.



CCBC’s China Ready Series Second Edition schedule and topics* to be covered include:


  • Session #1: Guanxi 关系 – Building Social Networks for Better Business, April 7 at 1:00 pm EDT
  • Session #2: The Power of Language in Business Communication, April 21 at 1:00 pm EDT
  • Session #3: The E-commerce Revolution – Explore Getting Your Product into the World’s Largest Consumer Market, May 5 at 1:00 pm EDT
  • Session #4: How to Manage Legal Risk and Improve Your Prospects for Early Success in China, September 15 at 1:00 pm EDT
  • Session #5: Understanding Supply China Logistics inside China, September 29 at 1:00 pm EDT
  • Session #6: Finding the Right Business Partner in China, October 13 at 1:00 pm EDT


*Program and dates are subject to change

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)