Behind-the-scenes with the ROM: Exclusive Preview of 18th-century Chinese Scroll Paintings

5 月 11, 2021CCBC活动回顾

Behind-the-scenes with the ROM: Exclusive Preview of 18th-century Chinese Scroll Paintings

5 月 11, 2021CCBC活动回顾

On May 11, 2021, the Royal Ontario Museum, in collaboration with its corporate member, Coaste Inc., hosted members of the Canada China Business Council to an exclusive virtual presentation of an exciting acquisition in its renowned Chinese collection.


Dr. Wen-Chien Cheng, Louise Hawley Stone Curator of East Asian Art, ROM, shared insights into seven 18th-century Chinese scroll paintings. These remarkable paintings, by unknown artists, depict “European Beauties.” Surviving from an original set of 12, these paintings are not only the earliest pictorial evidence of the portrayal of European ladies in Chinese painting, but also exhibit the unusual hybridity of Chinese and Western elements in both style and form.



The virtual presentation was followed by breakout room sessions, giving participants an opportunity to network with fellow attendees.


The link to the video presentation is available upon request. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


• Atlantic: Laura Markle
• Quebec: Philippe Jeanneau
• Ontario: Jeff Zhang
• Prairies: Philippe Jeanneau
• BC: Philippe Jeanneau

• Beijing: Noah Fraser

• Shanghai: Edward Dai

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)