Photo: CCBC’s 39th AGM Gala Banquet with guest the Honourable Bardish Chagger, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister of Small Business and Tourism, speaking to CCBC members and guests.

Tax Updates and Challenges

Tax Updates and Challenges

CCBC, in partnership with Lee & Lee Associates, presented a seminar on Tax Updates and Challenges On January 17, 2019, in Shanghai. The experts from Lee & Lee Associates shared their professional experiences with attendees and discussed key points over the new regulations and how to deal with the challenges and impacts.

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum: Guangzhou

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum: Guangzhou

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum was held in Shenzhen on December 10 and in Guangzhou on December 12. Canadian delegates met with Chinese companies and explored opportunities for collaboration, trade, investment, and tourism at the forum.

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum: Shenzhen

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum: Shenzhen

2018 Canada-China Business Development Forum was held in Shenzhen on December 10 and in Guangzhou on December 12. Canadian delegates met with Chinese companies and explored opportunities for collaboration, trade, investment, and tourism at the forum.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)