Mastering IP Protection and Data Regulations in China Recap & Photos

3 月 22, 2024CCBC活动回顾

Mastering IP Protection and Data Regulations in China Recap & Photos

3 月 22, 2024CCBC活动回顾

In today’s digital age, data has become a critical aspect across various industries, leading to increased complexities for Canadian companies in understanding China’s evolving data security landscape and regulations. CCBC’s webinar training session on March 22, 2024, was specifically designed to assist Canadian companies, especially SMEs, in navigating intellectual property (IP) protection and registration practices, as well as comprehending the new IP and digital regime in China. Participants received in-depth guidance on topics such as trademark registration, patent protection, and regulations concerning digital IP and data management.


Given the evolving landscape of data security and regulations in China, it is crucial for businesses to stay updated with the latest developments to devise optimal strategies in their respective industry sectors and safeguard their business interests while operating internationally. Whether companies are already established in China or considering market entry, the webinar provided valuable insights into tackling the challenges posed by new data and IP laws. Participants had the opportunity to learn from experts Jason Yang and Brent Arnold from Gowling WLG, who shared their expertise to empower organizations in navigating IP and data protection complexities in China and developing robust strategies aligned with the evolving environment.


Thank you to CanExport Associations for its support.


A recording of the webinar is available. Please contact your regional Chapter Director to request access:


CCBC Members: free of charge; Non-Members: $50 + tax


Part 1: Guidance on IP protection and registration in China
• Navigating the trademark registration process
• Strategies for patent protection
• Case studies: Enforcement and litigation


Part 2: Understanding China’s new digital IP and data regime
• Overview of the new data protection laws and regulations
• Governance and protection
• Case studies: Data ownership and transfer




About the Speakers:


Brent Arnold
Gowling WLG


Brent J. Arnold is a partner practicing in Gowling WLG’s Advocacy department, specializing in cybersecurity and commercial litigation. In 2019, he co-authored the Canada chapter of Chambers Global Practice Guide: Data Protection & Cybersecurity, 2nd ed. In 2022, he co-authored the Canada chapter of the Chambers Fintech 2022: Trends and Developments report. He was part of the team that secured a victory in the largest data breach class action in Canadian history. Brent is also a director of the Internet Society Canada Chapter, and sits on the executive of the cybersecurity and privacy section of the International Association of Defense Counsel.



Jason Yang
Associate, Patent Agent
Gowling WLG


Jason is a qualified (China) patent attorney with more than ten years’ experience. He is a member of Gowling WLG’s Beijing and Vancouver offices with extensive patent experience in both China and North America. Jason is able to provide valuable assistance to North American clients looking to understand the Chinese market or Chinese clients looking to understand the North American market. He is highly experienced in patent-related work, with a primary focus on drafting, prosecution, patent validity and infringement analysis for clients in the tech sector. In addition, he is skilled at filing and prosecution strategies in the area of industrial design.



David Perez-Des Rosiers
Director, Quebec Chapter
Canada China Business Council


As Director of the Quebec Chapter, David Perez-Des Rosiers is responsible for building the CCBC membership base throughout the province by connecting Canadian and Chinese businesses, promoting Canada-China bilateral trade, organizing events and supporting member service delivery. David has a diverse background with experience in marketing, consulting, research, and as a Parole Officer for the Correctional Service of Canada. David lived in China for five years, studying and working as a consultant for a Food & Beverage group. He was also the Special Representative to Mainland China for the Canada-China Forum, during which he was responsible for member recruitment, building exposure for the organization and creating initiatives in China.


He holds a Ph.D. in Global Studies from Shanghai University, during which he conducted research on Canada-China partnerships in high-tech. He also holds an M.Sc. in Criminology and a B.Sc. in Psychology.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)